

Are you a milk friend or a cream friend?  When you beat whipping cream, you end up with nearly twice as much cream when it’s done being whipped.  It’s thick, rich, and nearly doubled in volume. If you beat a half a cup of milk, you will have frothy bubbles on the top for a while, but soon those bubbles will dissipate, and you will still have nothing more than a half a cup of milk. Milk friends may come and go, yet offer nothing significant to the friendship. Cream friends add richness and flavor to a friendship. They build each other up and encourage one another. They are 1Thessalonians 5:11 girls! Ask your self today, “What kind of friend am I?”

Listen to an audio clip about Girlfriends: http://youtu.be/1JT2VoYHREk

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One thought on “Women

  1. I was intrigued by the analogy of milk and cream, especially when I was born and raised on the farm and did my share of milking the cows. It was interesting how the cream would rise to the top and you could skim it off to put on your hot cereal in the morning. A good friend is like the cream that rises to the top and is faithful and loyal. Thank you for this reminder and lesson today!

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