Speaking Topics & Speaking Event Details

Jeralyn speaks on topics of leadership, women, and motherhood.

Spring 2016 Speaking Events:
April 16-17, 2016
Grace Women’s Retreat
Lake Williamson – Click for more info
Carlinville, IL
Contact Person: Dawn Hozian

Grace Church
Normal, IL


Spring 2015 Speaking Events:
April 18, 2015
First Baptist Church Ladies Tea.
224 S. 2nd Ave. Chenoa, IL. 61726. Click for a map.
Contact Person: Candy Embry. 309-532-2515
10 A.M.

April 25, 2015
St. Paul Tea Company.
Double Tree. Alsip, IL. 5000 West 127th Street, Alsip, IL 60803. Click for a map.
Contact Person: Cindy 708-207-7736
11:30 A.M. $21(Tickets must be purchased by April 11th.)

Watch Jeralyn at the Trinity Lutheran Church Ladies’ Fall Brunch.
Jeralyn – Trinity Lutheran Church Ladies’ Fall Brunch (Oct. 2014)

Speaking Event Details
October 7: MOPS Elgin, IL
MOPS Elmhurst, IL 1 MOPS Elmhurst, IL 2








October 18: Trinity Lutheran Church Women’s Brunch Tinley Park, IL
Visit my Facebook page for pictures


November 4: New Life Christian Church Mom’s group Morton, ILMOPS Morton, IL

Morton, IL – MOPS group
“Hello Jeralyn!  I just wanted to say thank you for speaking to our moms group last week. We learned so much and are working with our kids in new and different ways now!  God bless your ministry!” – Sarah

“I loved this meeting – eye opener for me. I’m going to be more intentional with my children and the focused quality time.” –Stacey

“I feel like I had several “aha” moments during this talk!” –Amy

“Thank you for the ideas! I did some of these games with my little boy and he can’t wait to play again!” -Lisa10/18/2014. Trinity Lutheran Church Women’s Brunch. Tinley Park, IL

“Jeralyn – thanks for coming to our Ladies Fall Brunch at Trinity! We enjoyed your message on “Girlfriends Guide to Grace”.  We loved your use of props and “hands on” demonstrations.  It was an uplifting, inspirational message for women of all ages.” -Kathy
“I have told many about your message.  You are a blessing!” –Barb
“It was a blessing to have heard you speak last week.  May God continue to bless your ministry.   Our daughter recently moved to Ca and it reminded me of something she said recently…” I need to get a close girlfriend to talk to…I’m driving my husband nuts.  We need each other.  Thanks for sharing!” – Barb
“Thanks for the use of all those Bible verses and for making us laugh!” –Chris
Following comments from Hearts At Home:
“Hi there! I attended your Devotional Fun workshop at Hearts at Home. I was so encouraged to put a whole different spin on devotionals after the workshop.  Thank you so much!” –Esther
Misc Comments:
“This was a great workshop and I learned about finding resources and ideas to learn bible verses
and even understand the bible more for myself and my son. She was great!”
“Loved the visual aides she had!”

Leadership Topics

Ministry Make-over

Ministry make-over
Do you want to have a vibrant, active women’s ministry represented in your church? Do you hope to offer a variety of activities and events that will help deepen women’s relationship with Christ? This session will provide some fun and creative ideas to help you and your ministry team offer relevant activities and events that will reach out to all women(regardless of their age or season in life) and also how to effectively plan, organize and accomplish those successful events.

The Cream Rises to the Top
Grab an apron and head to the kitchen! Cooking 101–Leadership Style, provides a fun and delicious way to demonstrate how cooking in our kitchen relates so well to leading.  Taste and see how the use of every day kitchen tools, and common ingredients can help us become the women and the leaders God has called us to be.

On Your Mark, Get Set, Go!
You may feel you’re back in grade school gym class so wear some comfy shoes for this session. High energy, and hopefully a lot of fun and laughs, will be experienced by all as relay races and activity games will help demonstrate Godly principles for training, building and maintaining strong leadership teams.

When Leadership Turns to Tears
If God is truly calling us to serve in a leadership role, then shouldn’t leadership obstacles and challenges be few and far between? Shouldn’t we be able to say with confidence, “I just knew God called me to do this because doors opened and everything fell into place?”  If instead your leadership position has left you crying, stressing, and doubting your abilities, you are in good company! This session is intended to encourage all of us in leadership positions. The tears and headaches we sometimes endure, can really be a blessing. We will learn that persevering through our challenges can help us become an even better and stronger leader than we thought possible!

Mom/Women Topics
Devotional Fun
Have you been looking for the perfect devotional book for your kids? This session offers some creative ideas to help get your school age children, preteens and teenagers into God’s Word. It also provides ways to encourage and challenge your kids on the issues that are most relevant to them and your family—and who knows what those challenges are better than you?  As a mom, you can “author” your very own devotionals and create activities that are perfectly suited for your kids.

The To Do List
Ahhh…the dreaded to do list. Do your kids hate doing chores? Do you often feel you spend more time getting after your kids to do their chores, than you would otherwise spend if you just did them yourself? This session will offer some ways to promote getting the dreaded “to do’s” done, and make tidying the house less stressful on everyone—mom especially!

Make Em’ Laugh
Finding the levity in every day, and intentionally looking for the humorous moments in your family time and activities can do wonders for promoting a long and healthy relationship between you and your kids. God has given us, as parents, the opportunity to be the most influential people in our children’s lives—despite the powerful lure of the culture and their peers. This session offers ideas and ways to create a light and fun atmosphere within your home that can help establish priceless family memories that your kids will cherish. Not only can you remain at the top of your kids’ favorite people list, (even when they are teenagers) but also remain their first choice for the “go to” guidance people in their lives.

Girlfriend’s Guide to Grace
This session emphasizes how to be the type of friend God has called us to be. Through visual and some humorous demonstrations, we will address some of our tendencies and proclivities we have as women, and how they can affect and hinder the health of our friendships and relationships.

Renew, Refresh & Rejuvenate
Often the challenges and difficulties of life can leave us feeling stressed, worn-out and  exhausted. Typically, the things that this world and our culture promises will provide renewal and refreshment, only offers temporary results. But is there a way to feel renewed, refreshed and rejuvenated in along lasting sort of way?



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