

You may serve as a women’s ministry team member, a small group or Bible study leader, or even as a women’s event or conference coordinator. But are there moments when you can relate to our little friend below?


“Dear Lord, CAN I QUIT?”

As a former women’s ministry leader, I can tell you that this woman perfectly depicts how I had felt on many occasions. In fact, I think the Kleenex company was thrilled I had said, “Yes,” to my leadership position!

Like me, there may be times when you absolutely love what you are doing and feel empowered. And yet other times, when you feel you could be on one of those old Excederin commercials saying, “I have a headache THIS big!”

If the challenges and obstacles you face as a leader seem overwhelming, and self-doubts and disappointments cause you to reach for that nearest box of Kleenex, (and a couple of aspirin) find comfort in knowing you are not alone. Even when you experience those moments where the words, “I quit” seem to be your own personal promise of relief, don’t quit! Instead, be a Galatians 6:9 girl. “Persevere and don’t give up for at the proper time you will reap a harvest.”

Hang on, girls! Persevering through those challenges, obstacles, and frustrations may be exactly what God is allowing you to go through so that you can become an even better and stronger leader than you thought possible!




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One thought on “Leadership

  1. Thank you! Thank you! How did you know I needed this today? If you’ve been in leadership, as you evidently have been, you understand that sometimes you want to quit – like every day! But, like Aaron with Moses, Jesus will hold up our arms and we can continue with confidence! (I made this scripture verse my memory verse for today.)

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