As If There’s No Tomorrow

The conference is over. The planning, reworking my notes, practicing the timing, adding some extra humorous bling to the presentations, organizing the supplies I would need for my demonstrations, and praying over this upcoming event—as if there’s no tomorrow—has now come to an end. Oh don’t worry. I’m still praying as if there’s no tomorrow, it’s just that my prayers aren’t beginning and ending with, “Dear God, about the conference…”

Although I’m sure God never tires of hearing our pleas, and our repetitive prayers (which in my case, can often be laced with a fair share of worry) I can’t help but to wonder if this time I may have pushed even God’s proverbial envelope! Was it possible that I finally taxed God’s patience? Was He in heaven looking down on me, shaking His head and saying with frustration, “Is she really praying about the same thing again? What does she think I am? Deaf?”

Are there times when you also feel like a broken record as you pray to God? Muttering the same prayer request over and over again as though He may not have heard you the first time?  Maybe you have a big event you’re preparing for, an ongoing situation that has yet to be resolved, an issue that needs some divine intervention, or a decision you are waiting for some direction and guidance on. And like me, you find yourself praying as if there’s no tomorrow. Realizing your prayers are beginning to sound rather familiar, you eventually start to preface them with an apology.  “God, I know I’ve prayed about this situation twenty times already today, but…”

However, God provides a gentle, loving reminder in His Word that encourages us He will never grow exhausted from hearing our prayers.

1 Peter 5:7, “Cast all your anxiety on Him because he cares for you.”

1 Thessalonians 5:17, “Pray continually;”

Romans 12:12, “…persevere in prayer.”

In Luke 18:1, Jesus tells His disciples a parable urging them they should always pray and not give up.

I know I shouldn’t worry. God’s Word also tells us in Philippians 4:6, “Don’t worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.” Often, I have to confess my worry to God when I pray.  But the bottom line is, I am praying!

The other day my college aged daughter’s frustration had gotten the better of her. With a disrespectful tone in her voice, she interrupted me during our verbal exchange. I challenged her on her lack of respect. She apologized for interrupting me. Later on that day, she apologized again and asked for my forgiveness. That evening, I received a text message from her apologizing once again. Was I offended by her third apology? Was I thinking, would you quit saying you’re sorry already? No! I delighted in her contrite spirit, and her humility brought a smile to my heart. How much more does God delight in our frequent prayers—even when those prayers include an apology for their worrisome nature?

In Psalm 55:17, David says, “Morning, noon and night I pray and cry aloud and He will hear my voice.” I believe David was praying as if there was no tomorrow, and he was confident that God heard his voice.  Maybe you are praying over and over again for the same thing. Maybe you’re even praying with a level of worry in your prayers. But the bottom line is, you are praying! As Proverbs 15:8 says, “…God delights in our genuine prayers.”

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